Crazy Romance Korean-movie with English-subtitle Other name: The Most Ordinary Romance , The Most Common Love , The Most Common Date ,가장 보통의 연애 Country: Korean Status: Completed Released: 2019 Genre: Comedy , melodrama , Romance Description: A love story between Jae Hoon, who couldn't let go of his ex-girlfriend, and Sun Young, who is splitting up with her boyfriend. The couple got trouble and were hurt by love. << CLICK HERE TO WATCH>> Actress Gong Hyo-jin reigns supreme when it comes to romantic dramas for television, with any new series featuring her gaining a lot of momentum and fetching good ratings throughout its runtime and awards once its finished. On the silver screen though, she has consciously been tryin...
"The Night Agent 2023" is a thrilling action-packed web series that follows the story of John, a former FBI agent who is recruited by a secret organization to stop a terrorist attack that could destroy the United States. The show is set in the near future, where technology has advanced to the point of making it almost impossible to distinguish between reality and virtual reality. The plot is fast-paced and keeps you on the edge of your seat throughout the entire series. The action scenes are well choreographed, and the special effects are top-notch, making for an immersive viewing experience. The series also does an excellent job of exploring the themes of trust, loyalty, and the consequences of one's actions. The characters in "The Night Agent 2023" are well-developed and engaging. John, played by the talented actor John Cho, is a complex character with a troubled past, and his interactions with the other characters in the show make for some compelling viewin...